Saturday, November 6, 2010

Finishing Projects; Thurs. 11/4


Namibian sunrise from the guest house in Windhoek
“Know that the Lord is God.  It is He who made us and we are His; we are His people and the sheep  of His pasture.”  Psalm 100:3
In the morning a small crew went to finish the painting at NETS, a small crew worked on printing and the rest of us went shopping at the Craft Centre.  There were shops full of jewelry, carvings, baskets and other African treasures for tourists, made by Namibians.  Prices here are non-negotiable, but reasonable.  The only thing we had to do was try to figure out the U.S. dollar equivalent to have an idea what something really cost. 

Calvin- our taxi driver.  He should put a number on the back
window like all the taxis have here!

Nicole in front of the Craft Centre

Calvin & Chad at recreation

Julie teaching the kids
Everyone in the group went to the after school program for the final day.  It was a very windy day, so when we got there we all got an immediate coating of gritty dust on our skin.  But the kids didn’t seem to mind.  They were excited to see all of us again.  At the end of the time, we had a closing in which the kids sang some songs, Julie gave them each a bag containing some silly bands, lollipops and a toothbrush.  She also presented them with soccer balls which her Sunday School at home had bought.  These kids were so excited.  After lots of hugs and more pictures, the kids went home and we stayed for a little birthday party for Lazarus.  He helps at the after school program and was turning 21.  He was very surprised!

Bekah & some kids
 The evening was spent with dinner (sausage, potatoes and rice), devotions by Bob B. and more collating.

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